1 Ask for something you can’t find
2 Request salon services
3 Schedule and pay for personal care
4 Discuss ways to improveappearance
lunes, 19 de enero de 2009
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hola esta muy buen
ResponderEliminar( Hail Mary)
ResponderEliminarHail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.
Dios te salve María,
llena eres de gracias,
el Señor es contigo,
bendita tú eres entre todas la mujeres
y bendito es el fruto de tu vientre, Jesús.
Santa María, madre de Dios,
ruega por nosotros
ahora y en la hora de nuestra muerte
(Our Father)
Our Father,
who art in Heaven,
hallowed by Thy name,
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done
on earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
Padre nuestro, que estás los cielos,
santificado sea tu Nombre;
venga a nosotros tu reino;
hágase tu voluntad aquí en la tierra como en el cielo.
Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día;
perdona nuestras ofensas,
así como nosotros perdonamos a quienes nos ofenden;
y no nos dejes caer en la tentación,
líbranos del mal.
El "AVE MARIA" en Inglés
El "PADRE NUESTRO" en Inglés
Unit 4 describing people
attractive atractivo
beautiful hermoso
good-looking guapo
handsome guapo (para hombres)
old viejo
pale pálido
plain poco atractivo
pretty bonito (para mujeres)
tanned bronceado
ugly feo
unattractive poco atractivo
young joven
baby-faced con cara de bebé
fresh-faced con cara fresca, joven
pasty-faced con cara pálida
round-faced con cara redonda
stone-faced con cara de piedra (que no muestra emociones)
thin-faced con cara delgada
short bajo
medium height de estatura media
tall alto
tiny pequeño
average build de constitución media
fat gordo (despectivo)
muscular musculoso
obese obeso
overweight gordo, excedido de peso
plump regordete
skinny flaco
slender esbelto
slim delgado
stocky corpulento
stout corpulento
thin flaco
well-built fornido
elegant elegante
scruffy desaliñado
smart elegante
untidy-looking desaliñado
well-dressed bien vestido
short/long hair cabello corto/largo
straight hair cabello lacio
curly hair cabello rizado
dark/light hair cabello oscuro/claro
black hair cabello negro
blond/fair hair cabello rubio
brown hair cabello castaño
grey hair cabello con algunas canas
white hair canas
redhead pelirrojo
receding hair entradas (en el cabello)
bald calvo
braid trenza
bun rodete
ponytail cola (en el cabello)
beard barba
birthmark marca de nacimiento
braces aparato de ortodoncia
freckle peca
mole lunar
moustache bigote
scar cicatriz
sideboards (GB),
sideburns (US) patillas
tattoo tatuaje
wart verruga
wrinkle arruga
Unit 5 Use of Time Expressions
Time expressions are often the key to understanding and planning written work. Students can improve their written and spoken accuracy by having a good grasp of the relationship between time expressions and tenses. This lesson includes an identification and matching exercise and is followed by a longer sentence construction exercise to give students practice in correct sentence structure.
Aim: Increased awareness and/or review of relationship between time expressions and tenses
Activity: Identification and matching exercise, followed by sentence completion
Level: Intermediate to Upper Intermediate
• Write a number of time expressions on the board and ask students to identify which tenses can be used with the various time expressions.
• Shortly review the more difficult time expressions with the class.
• Distribute worksheet.
• Have students work together in small groups to complete the first exercise.
• Correct the exercise in class, making sure to review problem areas.
• Have students complete the written work by themselves.
• Ask students to exchange the exercise and check each other's work - this helps students further inductively improve their skills by seeing how other students have used the time expressions.
• Finish with a follow up discussion of any problematic areas.
• Have students write an autobiography or biography of a famous person employing the time expressions employed in the lesson.
Time Expressions
Matching and Identifying Time Expressions
Draw a line to the time expression with the sentence fragment. Complete by drawing a line to the correct tense identification.
Sentence Fragment Time Expression Tense Used
John will have completed the fourth grade...
We are studying Roman history...
They haven't finished their homework...
Jack gets up early...
...I will give you a ring.
I began skiing...
...she was reading a book.
He had been waiting...
I used to play tennis every day...
Maria has been living in Pisa...
I will be sleeping...
We've been to Paris ...
I'm going to visit Germany...
....she had already eaten dinner. ...at the moment.
As soon as I arrive,...
...when I was a child.
...for two hours when you arrived.
When I arrived,...
...three times this year.
...by next June.
at this time tomorrow.
...since 1997.
When we arrived,...
...on Saturdays.
...five years ago.
...in April. future intention
present perfect continuous
present simple
past simple
future perfect
future time clause
present perfect
present continuous
past perfect
future continuous
past continuous
present perfect continuous
past perfect continuous
past simple
Complete the Sentences
• ...when I was younger.
• ...for many years.
• ...this time next week.
• ...at(on) weekends.
• After he finishes his homework,...
• By the time you receive this letter,...
• ...three years ago.
• ...this week.
• ...since 1996.
• ...while I was watching TV.
• ...next year.
• ...yet.
• ...yet?
• Usually,...
• ...in June.
Unit 6 clothes
Jean= pantalón
Shoe= zapato
t-Shirt camisa
unit 7
accountant contador
actor actor
actress actriz
air hostess azafata
architect arquitecto
astronaut astronauta
baker panadero
bank clerk empleado bancario
beekeeper apicultor
barber barbero, peluquero (de hombre)
bookseller librero
bricklayer albañil
bus driver conductor de autobús
butcher carnicero
chemist farmacéutico
chimney-sweeper deshollinador
consultant asesor
cook cocinero
customs officer oficial de aduanas
dentist dentista
doctor médico
driver conductor
dustman basurero
electrician electricista
employee empleado
engineer ingeniero
farmer agricultor
fireman bombero
fisherman pescador
gardener jardinero
hairdresser peluquero (de mujer)
inspector inspector
jeweller joyero
journalist periodista
judge juez
lawyer abogado
lorry driver camionero
mechanic mecánico
model modelo
mailman (US) cartero
nanny niñera
nurse enfermera
office worker oficinista
painter pintor
pilot piloto
plumber fontanero, plomero
policeman policía
policewoman mujer policía
politician político
postman (GB) cartero
psychiatrist psiquiatra
psychologist psicólogo
receptionist recepcionista
reporter reportero
sailor marinero
salesman vendedor
scientist científico
secretary secretario
security guard guardia de seguridad
shepherd pastor
shoemaker zapatero
singer cantante
soldier soldado
student estudiante
surgeon cirujano
tailor sastre
taxi driver taxista
teacher profesor, maestro
technician técnico
translator traductor
vet (GB), veterinarian (US) veterinario
waiter camarero
waitress camarera
watchmaker relojero
writer escritor
Unit 8
Trabajo occ
Busque 1 hora y media en Internet y solo vi que occ es la bolsa mundial de trabajo….distribuida para
Muchos lugares grandes y casi no hay para lugares en especifico chicos…
Solo eso!!
Y busque tambien el formato de corriculum vital y nunca aparecio y menos en ingles….lo buscamos juntos??’’
By Carolina Sánchez Jaramillo
ResponderEliminarShattered glass
Te desperté? . Estabas dormido? , Estabas aun en mi cama?
o no será, que quizás yo, te tengo sin dormir?
OH nene, te sientes culpable por lo que hiciste?
si piensas que me hieres, no has visto nada…
Realmente valió la pena ?
era ella todo lo que buscabas ? (se un hombre)
Espero que sepas que no puedes volver atrás
porque todo lo que teníamos, está roto como cristal roto
Me verás en tus sueños esta noche
mi cara todo el tiempo te perseguirá
prometo que querrás volver atrás
cuando rompiste conmigo, como cristal roto
(cristal, cristal, cristal)
Verso 2
Tienes problemas para concentrarte en el dia?
te encuentras aun diciendo mi nombre?
Desearías llegar a tiempo y regresar?
apuesto a que te das cuenta de que ella no es ni la mitad de mujer de lo que yo soy
Realmente valió la pena?
era ella todo lo que buscabas? (se un hombre)
Espero que sepas que no puedes volver atrás
porque todo lo que teníamos, está roto como cristal roto
Me verás en tus sueños esta noche
mi cara todo el tiempo te perseguirá
prometo que querrás que regrese
cuando rompiste conmigo, como cristal roto
cristal, crital, cristal, cristal
cristal, cristal, cristal
Ha-uh, ha-uh, ha-uh
Haaaaaaaaaaaa, hmm
Song English
Am kick your ass...
Hey baby listen that night
You were gone out out
But I was soo blush out
From you
And then I get the glass
Shut shat shut shut
shattered glass
Broke oke oke oke oke the glass
Amma kick your ass out
Shattered glass shat
shat the glass
Babay waiting alla my elbass
Amma kick your ass
I don´t beleive in
What are you saying
[Más Letras en es.mp3lyrics.org/a8QP]
Is so dangerous
Got to put
You seetbelt am kidding
No not now
Am kidding
You got to shattered
the glah ah ah ah Oooooh
Glah ah ah ah ah Ooooooh
Shut shat shut shut
shattered glass
Broke oke oke oke oke the glass
Amma kick your ass out
Shattered glass shat
shat the glass
Babay waiting alla my elbass
Amma kick your ass
Now listen carefully
Oh you protendly
So hypnotizey. Don´t try tease me
Now now no now now no now
Shat sht shat shut up
Shat shat shat shat shat
Hatered glass ass ass ass
Ass, ass, ass, ass, ass, ass
by carolina jaramillo
ResponderEliminarsing 2
Mamá, papá perdónenme
Ojos que no ven,
corazón que no siente.
Sin tiempo
para decidir.
¿Debemos huir?
Tendría que esconderme
el resto de mi vida.
¿Podemos volar?
¿Debería quedarme?
Podemos perder, podríamos fracasar.
Sólo un momento
hace falta
para hacer planes o errores.
30 minutos, el parpadeo de un ojo
30 minutos para cambiar nuestras vidas
30 minutos para aclararme las ideas
30 minutos para, finalmente, decidir.
30 minutos para susurrar tu nombre
30 minutos para cargar con la culpa
30 minutos de felicidad absoluta, treinta mentiras
30 minutos para, finalmente, decidir.
en el cielo
a los que damos forma
con nuestros ojos.
Bajo la sombra
sombras vacías
lluvia que llora.
¿Podemos volar?
¿Debería quedarme?
Podemos perder,
podríamos fracasar.
En cada camino
las opciones son diferentes,
las oportunidades se pierden.
Los trenes descarrilan.
30 minutos, el parpadeo de un ojo
30 minutos para cambiar nuestras vidas
30 minutos para aclararme las ideas
30 minutos para, finalmente, decidir.
30 minutos para susurrar tu nombre
30 minutos para cargar con la culpa
30 minutos de felicidad absoluta, treinta mentiras
30 minutos para, finalmente, decidir.
Para decidir
Para decidir, para decidir, para decidir.
Para decidir
Para decidir, para decidir, para decidir...
Para decidir.
Song English
Out of sight, out of mind, out of time
To decide
Do we run? Should I hide?
For the rest of my life
Can we fly? Do I stay? We could lose, we could fail
In the moment it takes to make planes or mistakes
To make plans or mistakes
30 minutes, a blink of an eye
30 minutes to alter our lives
30 minutes to make up my mind
30 minutes to finally decide
30 minutes to whisper your name
30 minutes to shoulder the blame
30 minutes of bliss, thirty lies
30 minutes to finally decide
Carousels in the sky
That we shape with our eyes
Under shade silhouettes casting
shapes crying rain
Can we fly do I stay
We could lose, we could fail
Either way, options change
chances fail, Trains derail.
30 minutes, the blink of the night
30 minutes to all of our lifes
30 minutes to make up my mind
30 minutes to finally decide
30 minutes to whisper your name
30 minutes to show her the blame
30 minutes of bliss, 30 lies
30 minutes to finally decide
Himno E.u.a. by carolina sánchez jaramillo
ResponderEliminarO say, can you see, by the dawn's early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming!
And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there:
O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
On the shore, dimly seen through the mists of the deep,
Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, now conceals, now discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam,
In full glory reflected now shines on the stream:
'Tis the star-spangled banner! O long may it wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion
A home and a country should leave us no more?
Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps' pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave:
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
Oh! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved homes and the war's desolation!
Blest with victory and peace, may the Heaven-rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, for our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust."
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
Amanece: ¿no veis, a la luz de la aurora,
Lo que tanto aclamamos la noche al caer?
Sus estrellas, sus barras flotaban ayer
En el fiero combate en señal de victoria,
Fulgor de cohetes, de bombas estruendo,
Por la noche decían: "!Se va defendiendo!"
!Oh, decid! ¿Despliega aún su hermosura estrellada,
Sobre tierra de libres, la bandera sagrada?
En la costa lejana que apenas blanquea,
Donde yace nublada la hueste feroz
Sobre aquel precipicio que elévase atroz
¡Oh, decidme! ¿Qué es eso que en la brisa ondea?
Se oculta y flamea, en el alba luciendo,
Reflejada en la mar, donde va resplandeciendo
!Aún allí desplegó su hermosura estrellada,
Sobre tierra de libres, la bandera sagrada!
¡Oh así sea siempre, en lealtad defendamos
Nuestra tierra natal contra el torpe invasor!
A Dios quien nos dio paz, libertad y honor,
Nos mantuvo nación, con fervor bendigamos.
Nuestra causa es el bien, y por eso triunfamos.
Siempre fue nuestro lema "¡En Dios confiamos!"
!Y desplegará su hermosura estrellada,
Sobre tierra de libres, la bandera sagrada!
Verb “be”
He`s extremely incompetent
Anita`s kind of awesome
He`s really short
She`s so happy
You`re sort of engaged
Maria`s too young for dead
She`s pretty cute
Wendy`s really fun
He´s so nosy
He`s too old for dead
It`s very nice
They`re so weird
Jack`s too stressed
China`s really cheap
Francia`s extremely expensive
Mexico`s so gorgeous
Juan`s pretty funny
Ramon`s very nice
You Aren Happy
I`M Not Upset
He Isn`T Married
México Isn`T Expensive
Francia`S Not Cheap
It`S No Worried
España`S Not Cheap
They Arent Happy`S
He`S Not Drunk
She Isn`T Single
China`S Not Gorgeous
Luisa Isn`T Scared
Andrea`S Not Lazy
He`S Not Psst-Off
Ruben Isn`T Healthy
Anita`S Not Depressed
Jennifer Isn`T Neat
She`S Not Nice
He`S Not Fun
Juan Isnt Tall
He`S Not Dead
Are You Sleppy? Yes I Am
Are You Worried? No I`M Not
Are You Hungry? Yes I Am
Are You Confused? No I`m Not
Are You Drunk? Yes I Am
Is She single? Yes she is
Is She Married? No she isn`t
Is She Beautiful? Yes she is
Is She Reserved? No she isn`t
Is She Nice? Yes she is
is he nice? No he`s not
is he happy? Yes he is
is he engaged? No he`s not
is it cloudy? No he`s not
is it clouse? Yes he is
is it divorced? Yes he is
is it old? Yes he is
is it nice? Yes he is
is he bored? No he`s not
Are You sad? Yes I Am
Is She happy? No she isn`t
Is She pretty? Yes she is
lui`s a singer
she`s a athlete
you`re a carpinter
we`re actor`s at televisa
the`re stripper`s
carolina`s a psicologist
manuel`s a chef
he`s a principal
the`re janitor`s
ramon`s a dentist
maria`s a veterinarian
she`s a pilcewoman
i`m a architect
you`re a hair barber
she`s a budiness
we`re life-saver
he`s a fashion designer
she`s a chef
monce`s a sales
erner`s a singer
blanca`s a flight
arturo`s a police officer
silvia`s a teacher
is she actress? Yes she is
is she singer? No she isn`t
is she flight? Yes she is
is she maid? No she isn`t
is she psicologist? Yes she is
is he`s athlete? Yes he is
is he`s actor? No he`s not
is he`s singer? Yes he is
is he`s painter? No he`s not
is he`s hair barber? Yes he is
is he`s mecanic? No he`s not
is he`s banker? No he`s not
they`re a security guard`s? Yes
is veronica`s psicologist? Yes she is
is claudia`s manager? Yes she is
is andrea`s fashion designer? No she isn`t
is ramon`s plumber? No he`s not
is lui`s musician? Yes he is
is teresa`s cahier? No she isn`t
is fernando`s electrician? No he`s not
is artur`s sales? Yes he is
is paulina`s janitor? No she isn`t
is rebeca`s singer? Yes she is
is leticia`s teacher? Yes she is
1. Carolina`S An Nurse
2. Lui`S An Pilot
3. Manuel`S An Fireman
4. Hugo`S An Stock
5. Grabiela`S An Cashier
6. Angeles An Business
7. Fernanda`S An Sales
8. Ana`S An Janitor
9. Cristian`S An Hair Barber
10. Maria`S An Taxi Driver
11. Joanna`S An Bus Driver
12. Jessica`S An Waiter
13. Monce`S An Police-Woman
14. Ximena`S An Flight Attendant
15. Jenny`S An Singer
16. Lui`S A Actor
17. Vanesa`S A Architect
18. Brenda`S An Athlete
19. Lupita`S An Writer
20. Ramon A Engineer
21. Carlos An Secury Guard
22. Beto`S An Banker
23. Roberto`S Web Side Disigner
24. Rosa`S An Electrician
25. Fernanda`S An Chef
26. Luisa`S An Manager
27. Daniel`S An Stripper
28. Claudia`S Not An Maid
29. Jesus Not An Painter
30. Hugo`S Not An Construction-Worker
31. Alegrando`S Not An Fire-Man
32. Aaron`S Not An Carpinter
33. Paulina`S Not An Psicologist
34. Miguel`S Not An Plumber
35. Yadira`S Not An Mecanic
36. Mayra`S Not An Lawyer
37. Oscar`S Not An Pilot
38. Mario`S Not An Doctor
Emily Not An Student
Nicole Not An Singer
Julia Not An Scientist
Anna`S Not An Pilot
He`S An Banker
He`S An Manager
He`S An Photographer
She`S An Artist
They`Re An Strippers
They`Re An Psicologist
Possesive adjetives
Dr. Luis Is My Doctor
Dr. Angelica Is My Doctor
Andrea Is My Brother
Julian Is My Friend
Fernando Is Your Friend?
His Brother Luis Is My Friend
His Dr. Fernanda Is My Doctor
The Enginer Aguilar Is My Engineer
Carina Is My Nurse.
The Teacher Leticia Is My Teacher
Dr. Aviña Is My Doctor.
The Psicologist Jimenez Is My Dr.
Our Friend Alejandro Is My Carpinter
Dr. Ramon Is My Doctor
The Lawyer Ismael Is My Lawyer
by carolina sánchez jaramillo
Name of the clothes
A Shirth
A Pants
A Shoes
A Blouse
A Skirth
A Tie
I like this tie
I like those pants
I like these shoes
I like your tie
I like your jacket
I love your shoes and blouse
I dont’n have a tie
I don’t have a skirth
I want
You want
Do you like this sweater?
Yes, i do
And do you like those shoes?
No, i don’t
The shirt is with
The shirts are whit